Spin wheel spin! ::sigh:: ty, DD

A Whole Lot of Nothing!
By David C. Daoust

Clover could not help but feel things were not going as planned. Not only thanks to the large ‘army’ of Giants, currently on the move within the Ward’s home city, but also, Ergos had gone black; none of the population had received any kind of message from Ergos in days. It was disconcerting, mainly because it had never happened before. Clover could not think of a time when Ergos felt so… absent.

The population was all looking to Clover now.

All thanks to Ergos proclaiming him a Hero.

Clover knew all he did was follow orders, do his duty. How this elevated him? was beyond his understanding. It was enough for the other Wards though, especially the younger ones. He imagined it would have been enough for him as well, when he was younger. ‘Kind of dashed some of his old beliefs, just realizing… Realizing what it meant for him to be this thing, was probably what it felt like, for all those that came before. Meaning each and everyone were probably all in bewilderment; Bewilderment of a word– Hero.

Truth was Clover didn’t know what to do. He led them around the city, all the Agents of Ergos, all loaded up in their Scions, watching… scouting the Giant’s activities, grim faced and serious. And as the invaders spread throughout the city, barricading more and more, Clover broke the Agents up into teams, all to ensure they knew what was going on.

He was receiving reports, but he wasn’t sure what to do with the information. Ultimately, he was just keeping them all busy. He found that it helped to be able to tell the ‘civilians’ what he knew. They seemed to be able to rest a little bit more easily, as long as Clover was able to rattle off the invader’s movements.

Honestly, Clover was just relieved the invaders seemed to be staying clear of the Wards portion of the city. Clover found himself puzzling what action he may take, if they began to encroach…

The Abashed Hero was coming up blank, every time.

Clover drifted down, through the City, well passed Hearth and all the way on the opposite side of the Nursery. He flew through the doors and into the inner corridors of the Library.

He’d given up on looking to Ergos, yet he knew he needed guidance. Desperate, all he could think of were the words of the ancients. The text files that the Wards spent much of their days reading.

The ‘Galliants of Mars’ were a set of stories he was familiar with. The problem was, in the past, he had only bothered with the legends; the fanciful tales that sprouted from the history. With good reason, these tales were full of fantasy and adventure. Fantasy and adventure wasn’t what he needed now, yet, he knew these tales were based on real wars; warring factions, Factions encroaching upon others territory.

Clover would have to learn more of the truth… and hope, somewhere in those texts, was a tactic that didn’t feel like a lie… or a postponement of action…

Clover needed an action.