A Whole Lot of Nothing!
By David C. Daoust


Major Sims had to assume that these children in space suits, really weren’t terribly experienced at locking people up. And really, he felt like this was a good thing. Said a lot about someone, whether or not they were good at stripping someone of their personal liberties. Generally, if they were good at it, you should stay as far away from such people as you can get. As it were, the kids had managed to secure him within a small room. A makeshift ‘cell’, as it were. The problem here, was that there was a skylight.

A glass skylight. Which could easily be broken- if it wasn’t able to be opened. This one could be opened. One point for them- it was locked. Though that point should probably be immediately deducted, considering it locked from the inside. It only took Sims a moment of shifting furniture around, to reach the lock, slide the panel back, and pull himself up and out of said skylight before he was free as a bird.

From the roof, he found himself surrounded by the very same city-scape he had become oh-so familiar with throughout his jaunt through the city… the plus, now, was that he had a full stomach. When all was said and done, Major would have to admit, that the kids probably weren’t really ‘stupid’, so much, as they just forgot that skylight was there.

The stark white skies were eerie. A contrast to the dark shadows of the structures towering around him. Major did not think he would ever become at ease with such a sight. He moved swiftly through what shadows he could, keeping an eye peeled for any who may try to stop him.

Lowering himself down from the roof was easy enough, figuring out where he should go from there… meh. His training dictated: if held prisoner, free yourself, secure provisions, and make it out of enemy territory. Whether or not these kids were the ‘enemy’, was pretty hazy; they did lock him up, but what else were they going to do? He may as well secure his next meal, though. No telling what the future may bring.

With that very thought, the future brought a dark looming shadow, shifting above him.

Major turned to find the centipede slowly- stealthily even- moving above. It was a massive construct. Each segment- like a small house, with powerful legs pushing- forcing itself along.

The Mistreated Soldier turned on his heel and jetted to the nearest door well- such crevices had served him well in the past. While he did not bother to visually track the massive machine, the fact that the previously silent stalking, was suddenly replaced by clamoring load clanks and thuds, that seemed to vibrate within his very bones, told Sims, or at least hinted to Sims, –that it had spotted him as well.

Simms forced his shoulder into the door within the door well. It did not budge… it cost him seconds. Though not as many as the sudden stumble, as his foot caught the edge of the small ridge between sidewalk and building. His knee drove hard into the pavement. It did not feel good, but with little more than a grimace, he was back up, fleeing for the nearest door.

“Halt, Soldier,” the raspy voice came from behind.

He had heard this voice before…. He had heard that very phrase before.

The tentacle came in low, another on the opposite side, both angling to bar his path. He glanced back to find that fucked up head barreling in at him. The tentacles stretched to try and catch him in a web.

Major was not messing around with any of that. He doubled down in the exertion department, and barreled through the next door. This one gave, though not as expected… he bounced back from the solid collision, but, with a gush of air, the door suddenly slid open anyway.

The wind was gone from him, but he made it into the doorway. A doorway, he thought triumphantly, the massive machine could never fit within. He scurried through an antechamber, found a stairwell up, and just followed it ‘away’.

The clanking of the massive machine’s legs could be heard, felt even; the shadows blotting out entire sections of windows, as it crawled around the building.

Sims could not tell what it was doing, what it may try next. He tried to stay clear of the windows- expecting those metal tentacles to suddenly rip through, to reach in, try to grab him. The pain in his shoulder from driving it into doors that opened a different way, and his throbbing knee that had caught him when he fell, told him he had, pretty much, just kicked his own ass. He found himself panting, out of breath, in the center of the building. Waiting, listening.

The figure appeared to his right. It was dark, mysteriously built of shadow. It was like that levitating figure he had seen the last time he had entered one of the many structures that made up the city-scape of the empty city-station. This one though, walked like a man.

The last time, Major had let the shadow stalk by, allowing himself to go undetected. This time, he was not sure how long it had been there, nor if it had already witnessed him or what… that is, until it spoke directly to him.

“Greetings, Major Sims,” the voice was hollow, metallic even.

It knew his name; it spoke his language. Sims resisted the urge to shush it, worried the clanking centipede outside, may zero in on their position.

“Many are seeking you out. Your actions puzzle us. Why do you run?” It questioned as it positioned itself closer.

Faded light reflecting through the window depicted the sheen of metal that made up its face. Dark metal, like that of the Wraith’s exo-suit. Its joints were defined, limbs solid. Almost like a droid- this though, was no droid.

“Who are you? What do you want?” Major asked, body braced for action.

“I realize you have many questions…” the figure halted, unwilling to risk Sims bolting away, “Being removed from the one mind– this was never intended.” It voiced steadily, nonthreateningly, “The Usurper, though, has freed us all.”

“The what now?” It all sounded like gibberish to Major, “I don’t know who or what you are…”

“We are the True Scions of Ergos,” its answer interrupted, pouring out more information, that really, could only confuse the Mistreated Soldier further, “We are the individuals freed by the Usurper– your Dakota Sun. The good doctor has shown us the way. Unfortunately- we can not leave our pods, quite as easily, as those from the Black Beyond. We have had to construct new bodies. Second bodies, which allow us to live as individuals in this, the real world…”