A Whole Lot of Nothing!
By David C. Daoust


He found himself standing before the community. His voice was loud, and it carried. He knew not what he was saying- the darkness had taken him. The voice that carried over the people, was rich and warm… and full of promise. He knew, the people, were glad to hear it. He knew what it felt like to make such promises. More, he knew what truly lay beneath, such promises.

He turned from side to side, as his arms were thrown out before himself. He could not hear, but for the cheers, and those- he could feel down through his bones.

Eduardo Bram was to his left, and Mr. Haul was to his right.

The vote was in!

In the end, it was all that simple. Once they truly freed themselves from the Confederation, they found they had so many more options open to them.

The commonwealth was theirs to do with as they wished.

The bellowing cloak of darkness stretched from the base of the towering walls of the Starport. He had seen it all, in a dream. In all his dreams, from the moment he first awoke. Since his first recognition of the time before. It spread from crushed structure to crushed structure. Like a plague of locust, it stripped the wreckage away. In its place, almost instantaneously, the buildings were replaced.

This is how it was always to be.

The First Wave and the People of the Chantry stood together- against. The structures would be replaced, rebuilt. All in line with their new constitution… technology, droid and material, in this instance, the same, as the blocks formed into walls and arches, snapping into place like so many building blocks, once placed to become inanimate… All in a great outward wave that flowed from the Starport all the way out to the outer wall.

The port town of Grady was reborn. To be new bastion of freedom from tyranny- the first real toehold of the ‘United Moons’…

And, yet, of it all, at that very same location, where government after government had landed a new capital ship, from which they oversaw all that took place, on this, their newly purchased moon, a landing pad was not left, the turret laden walls were not refurbished- instead they were stripped away. As the wave of building blocks amassed at its core, what stood in its place, when all had grown still, was not the capital building which was expected… in its place was a massive structure of spires, black as night, reaching into the skies, scraping the very limits… towering over all. In effect, standing over all of Twin Crown.

The chagrin was clear upon many- Mr. Haul Among them… mirrored on the face of that UM rep, that had ever so much to say throughout the process. And yet, the faces of his followers, faces of the People of the Chantry, were not that of shock and horror, but the look of surprise and sheer joy, that they had, truly, won out in the end.

Smugly, he dropped down from his place above the community, walked boldly through the newly rebuilt town—and ascended the many stair- at last his dreams made real, for the first time, Emanual H. Grady, crossed the threshold of the Cathedral of the True Night.

And that, is the end of Part 3. Check back for aWLoN!Prt4 ‘Swan Song’ ‘Iopa Run’ …soon– if you’re lucky!

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