A Whole Lot of Nothing!
By David C. Daoust

Elijah was spread thin, his attention on multiple situations at the same time. The core of his very being was within the ‘Neural Engram Speculum’, the spherical device more recently referred to as the ‘Brain Stealer’, which is a pretty apt name considering it’s an ark device that was able to reflect and copy a complete human mind. The storage of which took quite a bit of space. Thus, such a device was ideal when the ousted AI found himself on the run, trying to find a place to hide.

From there, Elijah had managed to maintain much more of his systems than might otherwise have been available, had he not dumped himself into its spacious memory banks. Ultimately, though, when it came to who he was, what all was gone, was gone– he could not say what was missing.

The now Limited Ark witnessed as the Enemy Drones suddenly withdrew from their attack on the Rover. His spider-drones had been instrumental at keeping the invaders at bay, though had welcomed the help from the oversized mining-bot when it had arrived to block their path into the Rover’s hold. He was not sure where such a bot-form came from, though he suspected it was Wilford loaded into it. This was considering he had tabs on the other bots.

One of which, Hamlin, was standing on top of the Neural Engram Speculum as he carried the diminutive holobot through the corridors of the Rover. Hurriedly, the pair had arrived within the engine room. Unfortunately, they had no idea where the children were actually hiding within.

They made quick work of what was apparent; Hamlin, hopped down, searched for any kind of hiding-spot underneath or behind some random consoles. He had whispered, “pssst, hey,” more than once as he searched the room.

All to no such luck.

As they searched for the children within the engine room, Elijah was also on the comms trying to update Hugo on what he had missed as the lizard-man had taken a much more reasonable approach to dealing with the crew of the Dirty Damsel. Of course, the old jinn’s decisions were made before the enemy drone attack.

Elijah took three of his spiders in quick pursuit of the Battle Drones as they fled the oncoming assault from the Starfighters… He kept four spiders on guard at the hold’s door with Wilford. Unwilling to risk the murderous machines making it inside the rover itself, just because it seemed as though they had fled. As his three offensive spiders fired in pursuit of what Drones he could, three more spiders from the rover’s roof suddenly powered-up and joined him as Elijah had just reconnected Ratchet, Grace, and Dicey, with new spiders.

All six flew out to try and join Harper—who, from what he could tell from her comm communication, was on the run. The First Wave teen fought the best she could, though found herself pressured by the starfighters, that she was, unknown to them, trying to help.

The massive mining bot disappeared into the rover. Moments later, said rover’s door began to seal shut. Once it sealed, Elijah took two of those four he was using on defense out into the fray as well.

The comm was now overwhelming with information, Elijah could barely separate which person was talking, when. Especially when it came to the two little girls, Dicey and Grace, that he was still searching for within the engine room. On one hand, it was clear they were still safe, but on the other, he knew trying to ask them where they were, exactly, would lead to pure confusion. Elijah let them focus on the battle at hand.

Throughout all this, Elijah had snuck his eighth spider-drone onto the Dirty Damsel’s bridge. After quite a bit of jumbling systems around so that he could have access to Harper’s account—the limited Ark spliced into the Dirty Damsel itself!

Elijah’s systems suddenly erupted with information, all with a connection he had not felt since his fall. It was all so familiar; it was all a reminder of what he had lost. It was almost cruel to witness the difference. No sooner had he had a moment to get his bearings within, then it was suddenly -all- snatched away!

The rover was on the move!

Unannounced, Hugo had decided to take the opportunity to get them all out of the Dirty Damsel’s hold! An action which had unintentionally interrupted the newly formed splice with the Starship.

The Limited Ark could only ponder what he had witnessed. It was clear from his encounter with Aaron, that something was not quite right with the Dirty Damsel’s systems. There was not a proper Ark overseeing it. Elijah could only guess, but whatever was going on in there– it felt like him. It felt like an Ark. It was a rejoining that he could not quite place. But it was gone now.

The Retired Troubadour had taken it upon himself to drive them all out of that hold… out of danger, hopefully… even though the rover now charged underneath a sky-battle unparallel to anything witnessed before.

This was quickly made abundantly clear as the Great Dragon of Twin Crown, suddenly descended onto the Rover as it charged from the Dirty Damsel’s hold!

All of Elijah’s spiders turned in unison on the dragon, the others quickly followed suite as everyone with a spider drilled it with pulsar fire, letting loose with missile after missile, most of which blocked by those great invincible wings. It proved impervious to their assaults!

The sound of wrenching steel could be heard, much of the Rover’s hull suddenly gave way as the great dragon’s maw ripped steel plates from the massive vehicle’s chassis. The dragon knew just where it wanted to go! It had ripped the entire back section of the Rover’s hull up, revealing not only the engine below but two small girls standing on it. Two small girls suddenly revealed for all the world to see.

It spat the wrecked hull to the sands below…

The dragon inhaled sharply as though it was about to let loose a burst of flame… whether such an attack was eminent, could not be said, as the squadron of Starfighters suddenly charged in, missiles away, forcing the dragon to shield himself with his wings!

Once the fighters passed and the barrage cleared, the dragon retreated to the air, ascending quickly as it launched itself from the gaping maw in the rover.

Within the Rover, Hamlin leapt back on top of the ‘Brain Stealer’ as he commanded Elijah to carry him up, into the skies. To chase the fiend before it could make another strike on the rover!