>>>So, I decided to hold off on this weeks ‘A Whole Lot of Nothing!’ as ‘Bard Song’ wrapped up its first book, and this was the perfect time to present this story, which introduces a character in my next comic, and also ties into the next book of Bard Song… so yeah… double whammy…Enjoy!<<<

Runik & Melbourn

By David C. Daoust

Wardens are an ancient order, it is said the druids first formed the order long before the first fall of the Ram’s Hoof -the details are unclear.

They are old.

Each forest is said to have a single Great Spirit that leads all other spirits of the forest. All dryads of the tree, and nyads of the rivers and ponds, and all nymphs and faun of the woodlands, it is said to be an amalgam of them all, like their child, but is considered to have come first. Like the parent of them all. Spirits of Nature are quite different than the Spirits of Man; it can be a very confusing idea to grasp.

The druids select one, one close to nature, though never a druid. Preferring a huntsman or hermit, someone already inclined to the spirits of nature. Upon training them, these men become Wardens, with a rare ability to see the Great Spirits. The Warden’s task is to help protect the forest from civilization and their tendency to destroy nature and consume it. These men are considered great protectors, and they are revered by all spirits, all druids, and all elf.

Most Great Spirits are older than any living thing, as even as the spirits around them die, as long as their forest lives on, they too live on. All their children following the laws of nature, guided through the seasons, to die in the fall, reborn in the spring, until death takes them for good, though as long as the seed are plentiful, another spirit comes forth, then the Great Spirit is sustained as such. So for the most part, Great Spirits are ancient beyond comprehension.

It was Runik Wildbow’s great honor to be selected as the newest Warden. A warden of Carris Laroo, known as the Long Wood to the humans. The Long Wood was located along a newly formed peninsula, the exact details behind the great flood that separated this part of land was a mystery. The locals considered it a ‘great cataclysm’, they thought the world was ending for sure as the land there collapsed into a great canyon and the sea water rushed in. The gulf was aptly named the Chuna Maroo, which of course made the peninsula Cariss Laroo, for obvious reasons… well obvious if you understood gnome.

Chuna Maroo was a gulf filled with rock said to be impassible by any vessel. Rocks jutted up from the bottom, some towered over the sea line- taller than any tower, but just as many dwelled just under the surface, unseen to the casual observer… or navigator. The water there churned wildly, a giant sea of rapids that split Carris Laroo from the mainland. Any attempt to create a viable sea route for trade was nearly impossible. Made these lands cut off from most.

Although this land was severed from the Kingdoms of Old, it was still claimed by them. The Gnomes had long since made Carris Laroo their homeland; they spent many years petitioning for the humans to leave it completely. In the end the Great Archmage, Kaldain Lyanth, took it as a Dukedom from the King as a reward for service.

Kaldain led the Dianon, the half elves of Ethia, to Cariss Laroo, and instead of building a great castle to govern from, built a library. The Night Song Library of magic and lore. The half Elves built Sharwyn, and the Dianon and gnomes lived free lives under the ‘Duke’ Kaldain, who bent every rule to make these lands a sanctuary from the normal governing Dukes and Barons that ruled most of the lands.

Runik Wildbow was a Dianon; his mother was a human, his father a wood elf. His parents had fallen in love and wed long ago. So long ago that his mother had passed on many decades past, and his father was an old sage of a wood elf. Though lonely, his father never regretted marrying the human. Many elves would despise him, if they chose to speak with a Dianon. The pair had raised their son in Ethia, where Dianon have always been welcome.

Though his father had been one of those elves that had become introverted, detached from the human society, unwilling to make anymore friends of human descent because of an unwillingness to watch them die again and again.

Malvor, Runik’s father, had many fond memories of many –many- humans, he had enjoyed their companionship all their lives, which was only a fraction of his. Malvor and many other elves that lived amongst the short lived humans had become jaded to the loss.  To the elves, they held the place in society that they had always held, though to the young men, that they were unable to befriend, they were strange men, which refused friendship. It was this estrangement that led the Dianon to follow the Archmage Kaldain Lyanth, and start a society all their own.

Runik was no longer a young man, though he would look it for many more decades; he had his elven blood to thank for that. He had migrated to Cariss Laroo with his father many decades after they buried his mother. They helped build the great Library of Night Song, a landmark of the Dianon people. A symbol of their independence from the war torn lands that made up the rest of the Kingdoms.

Runik’s arrival in Cariss Laroo was said to be foretold by the Druids that recruited him. Runik spent many years training to become a Warden. He traveled far and wide to many other forests and met other Wardens, and spoke with their Great Spirits in his journey. Finally, after many years of vigorous training, was appointed Warden of the Long Wood. A great honor to the Dianon people as a whole, as he was the first half-elf to receive such an honor.

Finally, he would meet his Great Spirit. The Great Spirit of the Long Wood, for which he would serve loyally with pride. Or so he thought. Though this Great Spirit was neither ‘ancient being’, nor ‘wise guardian’, but a rambunctious child! As the Long Wood of Cariss Laroo was young, so too was Melbourn, its Great Spirit.

Melbourn, was a cherub of a being, with hoofed feet, tiny horns, and white feathery wings. He had a laugh that was free, and small bird like eyes that shot every which way. He was often surrounded with Ladies of the Wood; Dryad and Nymph, all of which seemed to think they were his mother, all tending to him and praising him.

It made the tiny being a spoiled little brat.

Runik thought he was training to become some great protector of the Wood, though felt like nothing more than a babysitter, keeping the young spirit out of the muck. These were the thoughts that plagued the great warden as he hiked up a high ridge on a secluded path. It was his favorite spot, especially when his thoughts turned dark.

Looking out over the wood he felt his sour thoughts melt away. He was proud to be a Warden. The fact Melbourn was not what he had envisioned was a foolish complaint and he was happy he’d never voiced it, as he was sure it was laughable.

Runik chuckled quietly to himself at the thought as he took in the scenery, though suddenly he choked at what he saw in the distance. His Jaw dropped as he made out the form.

A form striding over the trees…