I changed another of Dakota’s images! I actually did it last week sometime, but I wanted to point it out. Mainly, because it is an old image that probably won’t, otherwise, be on top anytime soon. I decided maybe move away from her being weird looking, like I mentioned before. Yet, it really wasn’t a very good image to begin with, she was kind of a bit more elongated then I actually intended. It’s weird how I don’t really see these things right away. Even now, looking at the new one, I kind of want to fix her hands… meh… I’m not going to. Who knows what I’ll think of it in a few years. lol
Anyway, seemed like today would be the best day to stop and point it out. I slacked off most the day (More than usual). And I had a visitor in the form of a sick niece who stayed home from school; ‘Been a while since I sat around watching cartoons all day! Not that that really interrupted my work, just you know, strengthened the idea that today should be the day, I write this!
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