I switched jobs! If ya remember my hiatus a few weeks back, it was because I got a job loading heavy trucks for an undisclosed company. Well now I am loading trucks for a different undisclosed company!

So, I am now readjusting apparently, because the creative flood gates have slammed shut. I don’t know why; it’s the same start time and the trucks aren’t even heavy anymore. I blame that one step- that one stupid step in the trucks is just wearing me down. At first it’s nothing, but then after 5 hours it’s like, ‘omg this mother fucking step needs to go!’ I am sure I’ll get used to it- but, oh man, does it suck right now.

Actually, after all those months of loading heavy trucks- these trucks are kind of a tease. I want to lift something damnit. I think I miss my heavy trucks.

Anyway- better luck next week.

ty, DD