Welcome to Rowdy Dead!

I started putting this site together as a Webcomic, though with the ease wordpress allows me to publish, and considering the piles of stories sitting collecting dust on my computer, I decided to expand the content to include my writing as well.

The first comic on the site is some of my older work, Bard Song. I began making this in 2004. Bard Song was an exercise in getting things done. When it came time to post, I posted, no matter what I had or how it was done- it was going up. I think it’s a fun read and I’m looking forward to continuing the story (one of these days).

The first set of Serials is categorized as ‘Origins’ in the chapter drop-down on the home page. It is a series of stories involving back-stories to some of my main characters. The First is entitled Paragon and is in fact the prelude for my upcoming Bladeshire Trilogy (comic). Paragon isn’t serialized it’s a one shot for you to enjoy.

Efreet’s Solo Raid was a 3 chapter story, at first I was going to release 1 chapter a week, though with the length of the thing I thought it may turn some people off to scroll down that wall of text. Ultimately I had it set up to release a page a week, probably should have (and may still) lump a couple of them together. I may not release chapter 3 for a while as it may spoil some future plans I have.

Squire’s End’ (If it updates) Updates on Mondays.

Scribe of Nightsong Back when my site was called ‘Wayland Green’ I had the idea of including a 3 panel strip on my site, which I began in 2008 entitled ‘The Scribe of Nightsong’. The strip is set in the Nightsong Library, the same place that ‘Bard Song’ begins; some of the characters even cross over from the more realistic comic, to the cartoony strip. I made 3! And I loved it, but it was around the time ‘Wayland Green’ was getting over stuffed with content and unmanageable, so I discontinued it. But its back now! (If it updates) Updates on Wednesdays.

A Whole Lot of Nothing! is a sci-fi story about a heartless smuggler in a jam, Colin Vice. He’s an old character I used to use in fan-fiction. I reinvented him and stuck him in a new universe. He has a bit of a lengthy background because of how much I used to write for him. He originally started out as a villain so he’s kind of an unusual protagonist at times, other times he’s just flat out schizophrenic, but he’s been evolving for years and years so it feels good to come back to him. (If it updates) Update on Fridays.

Meteor Zero is my planned sci-fi super hero comic. I have no news on this project yet. I should say it involves neither wishes, nor light sabres, nor rocket boots, well… maybe rocket boots. For the most part it is a place holder. It’s going to rock tho!