I actually made this quite a few years ago. It was pretty much just for me to see, to help me keep track of it all. Now that we got a UM and Protectorate moving in on the Big Govs, I got it out and started moving flags around just to try and figure out who’s getting what. It had been a while since I got it out- I actually forgot some of it! I thought it was cool, so I decided just to post it.
Any name not already used in the story might be changed at some point- maybe not, depends on what I need.
I didn’t like the names I had for the Resource Planets so I deleted them before I posted this. Two of them orbit each other, while they orbit the sun, because I like the idea.
Solar Farms and Solar Gates haven’t gotten much love, name-wise. It shows the farms corresponding gate, though. The Farms orbit the sun, more spread out than what is depicted.
This also lists the AI’s sectors… and which Arks they came from… and, in turn, which ancient civilization they came from. In reverse order than what I just wrote, cuz I’m not always helpful.
Aertholm and Luna are scaled to match Earth and our rl Moon (aka Luna). The rest of the planets and moons are based off that. The hubs, city-stations, Solar Gates and Farms, and Crucibles- aren’t meant to be scaled to anything- they just represent where they are in the System (same with domes).
The moons are just plopped in biggest to smallest because it looked better imo. Their place in orbit is not represented. For example, Taman is further from Neo Vir’ees than Twin Crown… The moons have a color code denoting the kind of biome- like light blue is icy- and the darker blue are oceanic. Brown is mountainous and light green are forests, prairies, and/or plains. Dark green are thick jungle. Orange is Desert. Grey is non terraformed moons (or yet to be terraformed). The individual biomes and miraculously disconnected habitats are intended- I’m sure I will explain it in the story someday.
The blue planets are being terraformed- the red ones are on fire! The grey ones, Juniper and Proserpina, are not terraformed- For reasons.
Iapetus Prime is the biggest moon in the whole system. It is not terraformed- For different Reasons.
Iapetus Prime and Proserpina are not terraformed- for reasons. Juniper is the one unterraformed for different reasons. I decided to correct myself here rather than go delete what I wrote and fix it up there because I am a rebel and I do what I want.
The Gas Giants are colored the color they actually are in the story, cause that’s how I wanted it.
I probably should not have jammed the flag and structure key in between the sun and planets… may have been better on top– meh, too late now!
I actually have a more extensive key on my copy, but I decided I should try to cut this image down a bit! At first, I had it cut up into three sections for this post, but I changed my mind and decided to just put it all out in one super image. Hopefully its size does not create problems.
The circles on the UM flag are meant to represent moons (rather than stars for states)- they probably don’t quite have that many members yet, so it probably looks a bit different in the story at the moment (And the number may prove ambitious in the long run).
The Organization does not actually have a flag- I just threw that(the blue flag with the big white ‘O’!) in to mark which Crucible was theirs .
I should point out there were intended to be four Ark-ships to perform the terraforming processes.
I thinks that is everything! I hope you find it interesting- at the very least.
Smaller moons have Artificial Gravity to help them out. I’ll stop now. Probably. Good Night!
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