starts here!
By David C. Daoust

Elma Parks found herself lounging backstage in the small dressing room of the Patty Martins Show- ‘the Daily Slice of the Onion’. She didn’t know how long she was going to be stuck waiting. Patty was known to run on and on with guests, so those waiting for their slot, tended to get bumped to the next day’s show quite a bit. Ultimately, this meant she may be waiting a few hours, just to get her chance to prerecord their interview.

Elma was actually a pretty mature young lady, but to the adult professionals that tended to run these types of shows, she was just a silly little girl. She was used to being the one that got bumped though, especially when she did not have a big blockbuster premier to plug.

She had some time to kill, and watching Patty interview the pompous ass that was currently on the view screen, set up across from the rather plush couch she was on, was sooooo not interesting.

Elma snapped up a small remote and switched to her normal stations—

‘The TWC5- Trade Winds Channel 5 News Reporting!’ Banner suddenly tracked the top of the screen with the current add below. Considering they only had five seconds to get as much information out as they could before the option to ‘skip add’ became available to the viewers, the ad ostentatiously promoted spicy kale beats as quickly as it could. Like an old pro, Elma skipped to the actual broadcast as soon as the time counted down to zero.

The ever familiar duel news desk of Carol Denver and Jim Curtain, filled the screen. A wide impressive depiction of the planet Juniper, with Alpha Prime juxtaposed before it, could be seen behind them. The angle of the image, in such a way, that the Solargate could be seen cutting the horizon of the famous ‘dead’ planet, that was a central fixture of the Trade Consortium’s largest system.

Elma could tell they were near the end of the report, since they were discussing the news from the farthest reach of the Onion.

“Sheer chaos has erupted in the wake of the Crisis on Twin Crown,” Carol informed fluidly, “Everything from the reported looting of private property, to packs of wild anarchists throwing rocks at innocent civilians.”

“Opportunist– among the wreckage of such a desolate situation,” Jim interjected clearly disheartened. “Like salt on a wound.”

“All this after the Consortium’s successful elimination of the Black Tide infection across the surface of the moon,” Carol stated this as though this wonderful gift from the Consortium snapped back in all their faces, “Black Tide, reportedly, all but eradicated– truly was a scourge to the outer system.”

“Looks like we did it again, Carol.” Jim’s shiny white teeth almost seemed to sparkle as he asked, “Tell me, where do you think this solar system would be- if not for the Consortium?”

“Not a Solar System I’d like to visit, I can tell you that, Jim,” Carol answered with a tiny wink to the camera.

“In other news,” Jim suddenly shifted topics, “The infamous Pirate Queen, ‘Sweet Honey Zhou’ has at last been put in check– Allegedly, at the hands of her younger brother, Alfred Zhou.”

“News of which has heightened talks of the current Viceroys, of both Titanholm, and New Donaghy, being ousted once and for all,” said the smart and smooth Carol Denver, as usual, did the heavy lifting after Jim’s colorful intro, “It would seem a significant portion of the population are looking to replace the current administration, appointed by the Royal Provinces, with an ‘actual Royal’. The support for such a change is staggering.”

“I can’t imagine a society opting to take such a huge step backwards, Carol,” Jim said with feigned sadness, shaking his head slowly.

“Led to whispers of what is being called the ‘Protectorate of Second States,” Carol said this with a kind of bewildered sickened look, making it real clear how citizens should react to such talk.

“In lighter news, followers of the ‘Chantry of the True Night’ will be happy to hear of the planned broadcast of returning Tele’Minister, Emanuel H. Grady,” Jim said cheerfully, “Putting to rest, once and for all, the recent rumors of his death in the Black Out.”

“Could the Twin Crown Separatists have a leg to stand on?” Carol abruptly asked, “Will Red Faction’s fleet, make it to Twin Crown before it is stolen out from under them?”

“Find out possible answers to these pressing questions after a word from our many sponsors,” Jim teased as he threw to a commercial.

No thanks, Elma thought as she flipped to the next channel.

The ‘SBC1- Swan Broadcasting Channel 1 -Morning Calls-’ banner tracked the screen. Elma was momentarily captured by the current ad for the latest dress designs coming out of San Bernadette, though caught herself, quickly blanched, and hurriedly hit the ‘skip add button’ before it could register her interest in such products. Otherwise, she’d end up with nothing but those ads following her around for months.

“I just don’t understand why no one is talking about this…” the off screen voice of the caller could be heard as Viceroy Kathy Starfront sat patiently listening from behind her news desk. “I mean this is the most prominent of all the Royal Media houses, yet all you want to talk about are these blown up news reports on the farthest reach of the Belt…”

“I’d hardly dismiss the savage beating of a young woman or the intrusive use of ‘Full Inquiry’ on a minor, as ‘blown up news reports’…” Kathy began, not yet clear where the caller was going with this.

“I’m sorry but these kind of savage beatings happen every day, especially here on the City-stations…” the dry look of Kathy Starfront informed just how ridiculous this caller was being, “And the Courts allowed ‘Full Inquiry’… it was court ordered!” Kathy’s jaw dropped a bit, it was clear the caller reacted to this by hurriedly adding, “I’m not saying these are not unfortunate events– but don’t you think we have a right to hear this business with the Zhou family? I, for one, can’t wait to have a real Royal, back where they ought to be!”

“And– thank you for your call,” Kathy interrupted too late, hurriedly ended the call behind a flustered alarmed look, “We value ALL our caller’s opinions but I’m afraid we’re out of time.”

With a frantic look at someone off camera, followed by the sudden ‘cut it’ motion across her neck, she shifted naturally with the camera change, took a deep breath, and said, “That’s all for SBC1 Morning Calls, folks,” Kathy wrapped up, “Be sure to join me for our evening newscast— but, up next, stay tuned for ‘Inside the Stockades’. Live, after this word from ‘Swan Footwear– Always put the same foot forward!’”

“As if they have a choice,” Elma said aloud with a snicker as she raised the control to flip to the next channel. Upon the action, a man with a pair of oversized headphones stepped within the waiting room. Elma could not help but feel a bit flustered that he may have heard her talking to herself.

After a moment, he looked up from his clipboard, pulled back his headset and said, “Elma Parks, We’re ready for you…”

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